institute|instituted|institutes|instituting in English


[in·sti·tute || 'ɪnstɪtuːt /-tjuːt]

establish, found, set up; begin, initiate, start

Use "institute|instituted|institutes|instituting" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "institute|instituted|institutes|instituting" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "institute|instituted|institutes|instituting", or refer to the context using the word "institute|instituted|institutes|instituting" in the English Dictionary.

1. Experts at the National Institute Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth.

2. Spitale, sanatorii, policlinici, dispensare, centre medicale, institute medico-legale, staţii ambulanţă (Hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, medical units, institutes of forensic medicine, ambulance stations

3. Spitale, sanatorii, policlinici, dispensare, centre medicale, institute medico-legale, staţii ambulanţă (Hospitals, sanatoriums, clinics, medical units, institutes of forensic medicine, ambulance stations)

4. Confucius Institute confusion Befogs American education CFACT Confucius Institutes are part of an estimated $10 billion per year Chinese propaganda initiative, overseen by the …

5. Miami Beach is instituting an 8 p.m

6. Her husband had instituted legal proceedings.

7. In response, he instituted strict laws.

8. In all these cases judicial proceedings were instituted

9. 1 The government instituted a consumer protection agency.

10. 6 The government instituted a consumer protection agency.

11. Instituting and expediting judicial proceedings for emergency protection measures under the national Constitution;

12. How did Jesus display immense courage just after instituting the Lord’s Evening Meal?

13. What kind of bread did Jesus use when instituting the Lord’s Evening Meal?

14. In all these cases judicial proceedings were instituted.

15. Once she took office Ellie instituted stringent austerity measures.

16. The church instituted the young man into a benefice.

17. 7 The government instituted a consumer protection agency.

18. Later the Lord instituted the ordinance of the sacrament.

19. The Church instituted the young man into a benefice.

20. Aquarists work for aquariums, oceanariums, and marine research institutes

21. Welcome to Seminaries and Institutes of Religion (S&I).

22. * Understanding the Objective of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion

23. Catholic sources state that it was instituted in stages.

24. Kazakhstan instituted an ambitious pension reform program in 1998.

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